General FAQ
We created RealBiomes for anyone who wants some of the highest quality real-time environments available wrapped into a comprehensive and complete pack that allows anyone to quickly create amazing and varied natural worlds. Game Development, Cinematics, Arch-Viz, Simulations, Virtual Productions or people just looking for insight - anyone can benefit from our biomes.
Our packs are production-proven and you can see some of our clients on our website, ranging across multiple industries
Absolutely! We are game developers by heart, and have gone to great lengths to combine quality and performance. All assets come fully kitted with LOD’s, collision and wind while our shaders are optimized to minimize instructions.
Note: Pine and Desert currently ships with both LOD chains and custom Nanite high-res meshes. We do not consider Nanite/Lumen/VSM to be game/production ready systems for performance reasons.
The performance you can expect will depend greatly on your hardware and whether or not you decide to use Nanite/Lumen/VSM.
Note that if you are coming from UE4 you will notice a drop in performance in UE5 (15-20%). This is largely out of our control.
Standard LODs: RTX 3060 ~ 75 FPS
Nanite: RTX 3060 ~ 30 FPS
Disclaimer: Nanite performance measured using our own DefaultEngine.ini, not using it may result in significantly lower framerates. This config file is default in your downloaded RealBiomes project.
Minspec GPU for Nanite: RTX 2080
Yes, our packs fully support the new rendering features of Unreal Engine 5, including Nanite, Lumen and VSM. This means we ship dense, custom high-res models with in some cases millions of triangles per asset.
Note that we also ship more optimized versions of these meshes that uses LOD chains!
Our products support Unreal Engine 5.3/5.4.
As the engine is actively being developed with new critical features/bug fixes being released in almost every major update, expect that we drop support for older versions of UE5 as time goes on.
Yes, we are planning on releasing demos. Stay updated for more information.
No, RayTracing/PathTracing is not officially supported but may work with end-user tweaks.
Important product specific information can be found on their respective store pages!
Questions? Join our Community!
Updates FAQ
You may claim your free/discount coupon by contacting us directly at business@realbiomes.com with the receipt of your old purchase attached to the mail.
We will then send you a mail with a coupon code valid for a specified amount of time.
You may claim your discount coupon by contacting us directly at dev@realbiomes.com with the receipt of your old purchase attached to the mail.
We will then send you a mail with a coupon code valid for a specified amount of time.
The free update is a simple quality of life improvement where we have fixed a few old issues and improved compatibility with the latest version of Unreal Engine. The paid upgrade is a rework of the pack aimed specifically at the new systems of UE5, Nanite, Lumen and VSM.
It is the definitive version of our packs and a massive upgrade in visual fidelity compared to the old versions. Non-Nanite has also been updated in the upgrade for better visuals fidelity.
These upgrades are not just a Nanite conversion of our old packs, we spent a tremendous amount of time, money and effort going through all the assets, re-processing scans, improving textures, re-making parts of our foliage library and putting this together into a coherent package that works well with the new systems of UE5.
Yes, as long as there are major changes that could either benefit the product or the new engine version causes incompatibility with the current product.
The Unreal Marketplace does not allow us to do B2B sales due to the inability to sell under our own custom EULA. This has significantly hindered our growth as a company as we have had many large enterprises purchase our products for the same price as you, an individual/indie, in large due to the extremely permissive terms of the Unreal Marketplace EULA.
We do not yet know much about Fab and if it will be suitable for our business model. It is unlikely that we will know more until closer to the official launch. We of course understand the benefit for our customers to have all their content in the same place and will explore our options when the time comes.
Technical FAQ
A majority of support requests we have received have been solved by creating a new project or re-installing the engine, meaning that it’s possible certain project settings can cause issues. We don’t have enough information to tell exactly which are the biggest offenders, but doing this has a good chance of solving your problem.
There are two ways of doing it, one quick and easy, the other a bit more complicated.
1 - CVAR
r.Nanite=0 can can be entered in the console and the easiest way if you want to go back and forth between the two rendering modes.
2 - Batch disable in the static meshes
In your content browser, select the RealBiomes root folder where all the assets exist.
Open the Filter Menu and filter by Static Mesh.
In the search bar write SM_Pine/Desert (depending on the biome), select all the meshes.
Right click on your selection -> Asset Actions -> Edit Selection in Property Matrix.
Expand the NaniteSettings dropdown, untick “Nanite” and save all.
Procedural foliage needs to be enabled. To enable: Edit -> Editor Preferences -> Search: procedural -> Check "Procedural Foliage".
You must apply Layerinfo’s to each of the landscape materials in the landscape painter tab. In the landscape painter layer section click where it says “None” and add the corresponding Layerinfo to all the layers.
The Lighting Sublevel is not streamed in. Open the "Levels" Window. Right Click on the enabled lighting level and set it to Always Loaded.
Frequently caused by the default texture streaming poolsize. Try increasing the size with this command: r.Streaming.PoolSize 4000 (This is what we sometimes use. Could have a impact on performance). Similar effect can be gained by changing “Textures” in engine scalability to epic/cinematic.
It’s also possible that you need to force recompile the shader. Easiest way to do this is to find the corresponding shader and changing a setting and once it has compiled changing it back.
In the project settings, enable: “Output Velocities due to Vertex Deformation/Accurate velocities from Vertex Deformation”. Then, make sure the assets in question are set to 'movable' in the Foliage Type or Actor Detail settings of the Static Mesh. This makes sure the velocity vectors are written when the shader uses world position offset and the mobility not static.
The new standard algorithm for AA in UE5 is TSR. By default, it renders the scene at 50% screen resolution (saving precious pixel shader performance) and then upscales it to 100%. This can cause ghosting issues in foliage heavy scenes.
To circumvent this, increase the screen percentage to 100% (which will impact performance) or revert to the old TAA method. If you revert to the old TAA method, you might have to tweak the opacity mask clip values/dithering in some of the vegetation MIs (Material Instances).
You could check your gbuffer format in your project settings. See if it's set to High precision normals. If it is then change it back to default. That might solve this.
We do not official support RayTracing. You will have to disable FakePOM and Wind in the affected assets MI’s.
If you have more questions about our products or purchased one of our products and need technical support join us on Discord!